A Tutorial on Building SQL in VBA, part 2
Referencing form controlsPrivate Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim strSQL As String Dim rs As DAO.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblEmployee " & _ "WHERE [EmployeeName] = " & Chr$(39) & Me.txtEmployeeName & Chr$(39) Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL) Debug.Print strSQL Debug.Print rs![EmployeeName] End Sub
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim strSQLHead As String Dim strSQLWhere As String Dim strSQLOrderBy As String Dim strSQL As String Dim strJoin As String strJoin = " AND " strSQLHead = "SELECT * FROM tblEmployee " If Len(Me.txtEmployeeName & vbNullString) Then If (Me.chkLike) Then strSQLWhere = "WHERE [EmployeeName] Like " & Chr$(39) & "*" & _ Me.txtEmployeeName & "*" & Chr$(39) Else strSQLWhere = "WHERE [EmployeeName] = " & Chr$(39) & _ Me.txtEmployeeName & Chr$(39) End If strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & strJoin End If If Len(Me.txtDOBStart & vbNullString) Then If Len(strSQLWhere) = 0 Then strSQLWhere = "WHERE " End If If Len(Me.txtDOBEnd & vbNullString) Then strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & "[EmployeeDOB] Between #" & Me.txtDOBStart & _ "# AND #" & Me.txtDOBEnd & "#" Else strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & "[EmployeeDOB] >= #" & Me.txtDOBStart & "#" End If strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & strJoin End If If Len(Me.cboPosition & vbNullString) Then If Len(strSQLWhere) = 0 Then strSQLWhere = "WHERE " End If strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & "[EmployeePosition] = " & Me.cboPosition strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & strJoin End If If Len(strSQLWhere) Then strSQLWhere = Left$(strSQLWhere, Len(strSQLWhere) - (Len(strJoin) - 1)) End If strSQLOrderBy = "ORDER BY " Select Case Me.fraOrderBy Case 1 strSQLOrderBy = strSQLOrderBy & "[EmployeeName]" Case 2 strSQLOrderBy = strSQLOrderBy & "[EmployeeDOB]" Case 3 strSQLOrderBy = strSQLOrderBy & "[EmployeePosition]" End Select strSQL = strSQLHead & strSQLWhere & strSQLOrderBy Me.fsubEmployee.Form.RecordSource = strSQL End Sub